Monday, September 14, 2009

One of my biggest pet peeves . . .

Had a conversation with some friends that other night and I was telling them about the things I have been doing to the house and yard this summer. "Oh, I don't have time to paint." "I wish I had the time to do that." "I'm lucky just have time to . . ." I HATE it when people say "I don't have time". They don't have any less hours in the day than anyone else. It's all about PRIORITIES people! They make me feel bad about myself because I don't have a "real" job outside of the home. I hide the fact that I'm not 'working' any more. AND I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO! I think that I am really lucky that I don't have to work someplace 9-5 anymore. I think that I am really lucky that I can do things that make me happy (along with the same ole' drudgerys that everybody HAS to do). I think that I am lucky to choose to take the time for the things that are important to me and my family. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME THAT LETS THESE PEOPLE MAKE ME FEEL INFERIOR? WHAT IS WRONG WITH THEM THAT MAKES THEM THINK THEY ARE DOING SOMETHING MORE IMPORTANT THAN ME? Anyway, that is my rant for the day.

These are 3 of the finished quilts that I 'waste' my time on . . .

Pretty, huh?

Leaving tomorrow for Junk Bonanza. If you see someone walking around with her eyes bugging out from all of the fun junk - that's me! Stop me and say hi!

Catch you all next week (if I can find the time!) . . .


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

More fabulous finds . . .

How fun are these . . .

Vintage valentines --

Vintage 1 and 2 year birthday cards --

Vintage baby cards --

Wish I had an etsy store. There are so many that I know alot of you could do something fabulous with these! Maybe a giveaway close to February? What do you think?

Speaking of giveaways . . . 2 fabulous ones going on now. St Joshua and Cherry's Jubilee. Go check them out! Love, love, love their stuff!

After the kitchen was finished, everything else looks icky so I started painting another room today. Couldn't decide on a color and I wanted it done NOW so, of course, I'm painting it a neutral color. BORING! Hope I can find some really funky stuff at the Junk Bonanza next week to make these drab rooms POP!

Now, what else can I find in this junk-filled house . . .
