Saturday, January 30, 2010

She's got her groove back . . .

I'm out of my funk (at least until the next snowstorm which is predicted for Monday!) and back to being creative and productive!  Yea! 

Started sewing some quilt blocks.  Notice the sunshine?  Love it!

Put these garlands together when we didn't have electricity for 3 days (did I tell you about THAT?).  Had to do something with my frozen fingers and these were mind-numbingly simple.

Kinda silly but I think I like them hanging from my window.  They make me smile!

Having fun visiting new blogs on the One World One Heart event (I'll give you my real thoughts on this when it is over).  So many really talented people out there!  Am I really going to each blog that is participating (over 850)?  Uh, no.  Do I really sign up for each giveaway?  Uh, definately no.  But I have found some blogs that really float my boat, if you know what I mean!  You are welcome to enter my little part of this event even if you aren't playing along! (But leave a comment on the PREVIOUS post only).

My knitting project is a bust but I am back to reading (Steinbeck's 'East of Eden' for my book club) so winter is back to being tolerable.

Thinking spring, thinking spring, thinking spring . . .

xo  --  Connie

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

One World One Heart Giveaway . . .

Whenever I see people playing something that looks really fun, I want to play too!  I discovered this delightful event and have been visiting blog after fabulous blog.  And, since the purpose of me blogging is to meet like-minded bloggers, I decided to whip up a giveaway of my own!

This is where is all began -- the creative mind of Lisa of A Whimsical Bohemian has convinced bloggers all over the world (yes, world!) to offer their wares in giveaways open to all active bloggers.  The purpose is to have a chance to meet new bloggers, get lots of friends, see what they offer and find kindred spirits that love the same things you do!  There are no hoops to jump through to play along.  Nobody needs to become a follower.  Nobody needs to look at etsy shops and pick a favorite item.  Nobody has to answer specific questions in their comments.  All you have to do is leave some kind of comment (preferably a nice one!) and an email address so that you can be reached in case you win!  Now, doesn't that sound easy and fun!  I am lovin it!

To read all about One World One Heart and how it began (or if you too would like to join in the game), please go here.  As of right now, there are over 600 bloggers playing along.  So if you have loads of time and good eyes, go visit as many as you can!

This will be my offering to the One World One Heart plethora of giveaways!  I took a class a long time ago and made one of these.  You won't win this exact shadowbox but I'll be making one very similar.  (The decision to play along wasn't made lightly or quickly so I didn't have anything finished to offer!)

To play along (and I hope you do!) just leave a comment (only one comment per person will be counted) on this post only.  All contributors are to choose a winner on February 15th so on that day I will throw everybody's name into a magic hat or a magic bowl or maybe just throw them on the floor and see which one sticks to my foot.   If I don't hear from the winner by February 19th, I'll just have to start all over and pick another!

I wait anxiously to meet you!  You can read a little about me on my sidebar.  Just plain ol' me trying to have some fun while I am livin the life!

Come play along with me . . .

xo  --  Connie


Monday, January 25, 2010

Pretty (?) winter pictures . . .

OK, I admit it.  Winter can be pretty.  The falling snow, the icy crystals hanging onto branches, the untouched, snowy white landscape.

Until that ice and snow takes down power lines and you are left with no electricity.  For 3 whole days and very cold nights.  But we are the lucky ones.  There are still those without lights as we speak.

What does one do without electricity?  Very little.  Oh, we went to town to get out of the house during the day and to visit neighbors who bought generators 25 years ago when there was another winter as bad as this one.  But mostly, there isn't that much to do when you are under many blankets trying to keep warm.  But it is okay now.  And we treated our weekend like a big adventure!

Anyway, I could go the rest of my life just looking at pretty winter pictures as long as I was looking at them while I was in my shorts sitting next to a swimming pool . . .

xo  --  Connie

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I got nothing . . .

I'm in a funk.  Can't think of a thing to blog about.  Can't think of a project that I'm in the mood to tackle.  Can't even sit still long enough to get into a good book.

I'm a sunshine kind of gal.  If the sun don't shine, neither do I.  Oh, I love me a good storm when I can wrap up in a blanket and revel that I am safe at home but this January . . . enough is enough!

I've cut out a new quilt to start but I had to buy a kit!  Couldn't even concentrate long enough to choose my own fabric.  And I have stacks and stacks of fabric!  Have so many ideas and started projects but, well, I'm just in a funk.

I have spent hours and hours on the computer.  Doing boring stuff like taxes and business statements.  My eyes are glazed over!  Oh, but I have visited some wonderful new blogs and my favorites and follower lists are getting way out of hand.  One blog leads me to another and then another . . . you know how it is!  So many creative people out there.  So many really cool ideas.  So many motivated bloggers that actually get things done.  I should quit reading them.  It just makes my funk . . . well, funkier! 

Tell me . . . how do you motivate yourself?

xo  -- Connie

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Letting go . . .

How are you?  I am fine.

I always started my letters to my grandparents that way when I was a little girl.  And they saved each and every one of my letters.  Oh, how I wish I had those letters now!  But we all know about the things we have tossed and wished now that we would have kept.

(My baby dresses.  As old as they are, I suppose they are considered antiques!)

As I go through my closet and pile my 'when I worked full time at a professional office' clothes for Goodwill, I cringe.  Did I really have this many clothes?  Did I really spend this much on clothes?  Was I really that little?  But the good side is - I will never wear panty hose ever again!!!  Clothes are not something that I will regret getting rid of!  But those letters . . .

What do you regret not having anymore?

Now that my closet is half empty, I think I should go shopping . . .

xo  --  Connie

Saturday, January 9, 2010

I know you've all been waiting . . .

I drew the winner the hard way.  Wrote them all down, cut them apart and put them in the magic bowl.  No impersonal random generator for me! 

Linda at Unlimited Possibilities - you are the WINNER!!
(Send me your address and you can look forward to a little sumpin, sumpin in the mail.)

Thank you to all of you who left a comment!  I met some really nice bloggers and really, isn't that the point of a giveaway!  I visited you all and left a comment on your blogs too.  If I didn't, come back to visit me and give me a good cussin' out!  I hope we can become good blogging friends! 

The birthday was a bust (my new July birthday will be sooooo much better!) but the snowplow just went by and I am out the door . . .

xo  --  Connie

Thursday, January 7, 2010

My convertible will have to stay in the garage today . . .

I won't be bopping around town today doing the 'it's my birthday wave'.  I won't be going ANYWHERE, or doing ANYTHING, or seeing ANYBODY today.  ANOTHER blizzard is upon us and I am SICK OF WINTER!  Snowed in AGAIN!  I have officially changed my birthday to July 7th!  January is just too unpredictable in Nebraska to plan birthday celebrations!

But on the bright side, I'll have time to do bloggy visits and maybe do some 'me' things.  And I'll be following the snowplows to town . . .

It's not too late to leave a comment on my 'give-back' post.  (BIG thank yous to all who already have!)  I'll still wait until the 9th to pick the winner!

Better go downstairs and start opening all my presents (lol) . . .

xo  --  Connie

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Yeah, I'm still here . . .

disappointed . . . but still hopeful . . .

xo  --  Connie

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Short and Sweet. Come and see . . .

Welcome to my very 1st 'give-back' 50 posts celebration!  I know, 50 posts in a year is a piddling amount compared to alot of you.  But, you see, it's alot for me.  I don't have a store (yet), I don't sell on etsy (yet), I don't have girlfriends that like to go antiquing and have crafting parties and my life is not too exciting.  (Oh, but wouldn't all that be the greatest!)  At least not exciting enough to blog about.  But what I create, what I fill my hours with and those that I spend time with are fine with me.  I have plans for the year 2010 and, with a little support from my friends, my plans just might happen.  Rejection or not, I really MUST follow a couple of my dreams! 

Anyway -- on with the giveaway!  This is going to be short and sweet.  I'm not going to make you jump through any hoops for a chance to win.  You don't have to become a follower (unless you really want to see how my blogging is progressing) and you don't have to post this on your blog (although I know it is a way to meet new bloggers and that I would really like to do!).  You don't have to comment about anything specific (although if you want to tell me something about yourself, I would love it!).  Just a comment will do, any 'ole comment.  Tell me "Hi, I'm glad I visited you and I wish you would come and visit me.  Let's be blogging friends!".

The lucky? person who wins will receive this OOAK (do you know how long it took ME to figure out what this meant) bag, handmade by me.  It is kinda 'cowboy-y' (not a cowboy bone in my body but the fabric was cute) but I think it is kinda fun and funky!

And that little bag in the pocket?  Could be filled with a plethora (meaning stuff I haven't figured out yet) of fantastical goodies!

My (mumble, mumble) birthday is Thursday!  And yes, you may all send me a present (kidding!)!  I KNOW my family has big plans for me that day (yea, right!) so let's say I will draw the winner on Saturday morning.  Like I said, short and sweet.

That's it!  Just a little sumpin, sumpin from me.  Who knows, maybe comments will spur me on to lots more 'give-backs'.  I love taking chances on winning yours so maybe you'll love playing with me!

Let the comments begin . . .

xo  --  Connie