I'm packed and ready to go! Places with NO SNOW here I come! I see Texas got snow again today and it darn well better be gone by the time I get there! And the temps are only in the 50s & 60s but that is still better than below 0. The only things we know that we are going to do is shop at Canton, go to Galveston and shop along the way! Hate to take suitcases - less room for my goodies!
So, I will be gone from blogging for a couple of weeks. I know that is a great inconvenience for all of you faithful readers (lol) but maybe I'll bring you back something! And, if I win any giveaways while I'm gone (bigger lol), please wait for my return before giving up on me and choosing someone else!
So wish us a safe trip, good luck on finding my elusive dressform and think of me fondly as I leave my cares and worries at home.
Easing down the road . . .
xo -- Connie