Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Slipping in late . . .

. . . with a couple of photos for White Wednesday.  Simple pictures I found saved on my computer.  I have not lived up to one of my resolutions of posting more often this year already so I felt something was better than nothing!

I'm packing for a short trip to Minnesota tonight.  I vow to not take everything I own for a 3 day visit but you know how it is . . . I dress for how I feel on any particular day so I must have a variety to choose from.  And it darn well better not snow while we are up there!

I'm thinking that maybe these photos are too white!  More texture is called for, I think.

I'll be absent until next week.  I hope I'll have some interesting things to show you then!  And you know the things will be white!

Take care, my lovlies!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

How to waste a whole day . . .

. . . so I get a phone call from my main man in the morning.  "The truck broke a (enter some word that I don't know what it means) and I need you to pick me up right away.  I'm 30 miles away and this corn needs to be delivered today."  I said "Sure honey, I'll just drop everything and be right there."  Nevermind the sarcastic mutterings I was thinking as I rushed to the pick-me-up truck, looking like my always beautiful self.  lol 

So I cheerfully dutifully pick him up, we get the truck to the nearest repair shop and were told that we needed to find a replacement for the pesky piece before it could be fixed and 'Linda' (that's what we call the truck) could once more be on the road to get that corn delivered.

That means that we off on the wild adventure to the auto salvage junkyard!  No, we couldn't swing by the house to change clothes.  No we couldn't stop by so I could get a book (I know how these trips are and I'll need a distraction).  We are in a hurry!

We are searching for a wheel doo-hinky.

I say "Here are a whole bunch of wheel doo-hinkys.  Pick one and let's get home."  He says "Those are tire thing-a-ma-bobs.  Not what we need." 

There was lots (and lots) of junk to look at.  Textures everywhere.  I did my darnest to find something I could repurpose, reuse, and turn into something fantabulous.  Who knew auto salvage junkyards carried only . . . well, auto junk.

This would be perfect on a wall.  See all of those holes that could be stuffed with paper roses!  I was told "We are not junking for YOU today.  Get in the pick-me-up truck and help me find that doo-hinky."

"Here's the doo-hinky!" I yell triumphantly.  Secretly, I'm hoping he will just bring this rusty, crusty, beautiful piece home for me.

"No, get away from that what-cha-ma-call-it.  The doo-hinky we need is on the BOTTOM of this pile."

Hoo-ray!  There she is folks!  The pesky piece that 'Linda' so desperately needs.  SIX. HOURS. LATER.  But whatever 'Linda' wants, 'Linda' gets!

I called this a wasted day.  Sure, I didn't get to fold clothes, make dinner, or any of the other mundane tasks on my list for the day but I got to spend the day in a JUNKYARD!  My need for rusty, crusty, don't know what I would do with it but I want it objects was fixed for awhile.  Sometimes, schedules get interrupted.  Such is my life!

Oh . . . and the corn did NOT get delivered today!  I'm not answering the phone tomorrow!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Oh, to be so glamorous . . .

. . . that all I needed to carry was a little beaded purse.  Just a tissue, lipstick and an ornate compact to powder my nose and I'd be out the door in my slinky, black gown.  Ready for a night of dancing, cocktails, interesting conversation and a little flirting.  At least that is what I picture the woman who once owned these did.

Such a life she must have led.  I bet she was friends with June Cleaver ('Leave It To Beaver'), had coffee with Harriet Nelson ('Ozzie and Harriet') and co-chaired charity events with Margaret Anderson ('Father Knows Best').  All dressed impeccably in heels and pearls while tending to their houses, children and hard-working husbands.

Would I have liked to be a housewife in the 50s?  Ah, no.  But didn't they make everything look so effortless?  Perfection was what they strived for. 

But like this little purse with it's missing pearls, I'm just as glad I don't have to live up to certain standards to be cherished, loved or appreciated.  I'm happy with my imperfect house, my friends who like me better than what I may or may not have or do and certainly, my less-than-perfect life.

Thanks for looking at my contribution to Faded Charm's White Wednesday.  And for looking without expecting perfection!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Shopping for junk where I live . . .

. . . is virtually non-existent!  Oh, there are a couple of 'antique' shops within a 60 mile radius but I would call them more 'garage-sale' places.  Nothing wrong with that.  In fact, I'm constantly amazed at the treasures you all find at garage sales.  Blows my mind. The garage sales around here are mainly kid's clothes and toys.  There are actual 'antique' stores about 2 hours away but I don't get there very often.  And they don't usually carry the jumble of odds and ends that I crave.

That is why I get all tickled-pink, googly-eyed and jumping-for-joy crazy when I get to visit Cammie of Daffadowndilly's.  She has got a little bit (okay, alot) of everything!  She is a junker extraordinaire!  She finds secret stashes of the best junk ever!  She is a purveyor of wonderful ideas and items for Minnesota's Bachman House!  She is a Junk Bonanza original (I think) and is one of Ki's best buds!  Her photo is in the newest Flea Market Style magazine cuz she knows her junk!  I could have gotten her autograph in my mag but forgot it.  Next time Cammie!

Anyhoo, look at these photos and drool, all you who love junk!  And try to pick out the things I brought home with me.

This little stool is famous and was the center of attention on page 69 of Flea Market Style magazine.  I think it will be attending my daughter's wedding!

Cammie even allowed us to visit her inner sanctum where the creativity happens!   

So Cammie, if you are reading this, CALL ME when you are working around the shop!  I need to spend days in your shop so I can dig in every box, move things around to see what is on each shelf, and to pick your junk-lovin brain!  I may just move in for a week!  Sleeping amongst the beauty of cast offs - what could be better!

As you can see, my darling Dell is back and working her little hard drive off!  So many blog posts we missed.  So many comments left unwritten.  We'll be skipping through all of the loveliness that is blog land.  Together again! 


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I can at least 'Pay It Forward' . . .

My computer is still in recovery.  The experts must have had to call in the specialists because I haven't heard how my poor baby is doing.  Is she missing the trips we used to take together to lovely blogs where we always found friends, inspiration and laughter like I am?  Does she miss me spending so much time with her while posting, editing and copying?  I know she is bugging those experts to FIX HER!  And tomorrow I'm going to be on the phone begging for my darling Dell to COME HOME!  I cannot live without her for another day!  My fat fingers just don't work on a tiny Ipad touch!

I've seen this event around a few blogs and I thought to myself - 'Self, you could at least pretend to being able to join in the blogging world with this.  You don't need any of your own photos to show.  It doesn't sound like the homemade gift needs to be something out-of-this-world.  (Sorry folks, I don't do the out-of-this-world kind of creating.)  And you don't have to have the finished product right now, waiting to be mailed.'  So, my self said 'go for it'.  So I am!

Thank you, Suzan, from Old Grey Mare for the inspiration!

Here's how it works....

The first FIVE people who comment on this blog post will receive a handmade gift from me.

In return, you must FIRST write a blog post explaining Pay It Forward 2011. Then.... send out a handmade gift to the first 5 visitors who leave a comment on your post. Take your don't need to send them all today or tomorrow.

This is such a sweet way to connect with friends or meet new ones, by sharing things we create with our hearts.

"It's not the size of the gift that matters, but the spirit of paying it forward."

I would like to thank all of you who left such sweet notes of love on the passing of my mother-in-law.  Comforting words that I appreciate.

And as to that pesky tooth . . . unfortunately it must come out tomorrow.  I'm already shaking with dread to walk into that dentist office but I know it must be done.  I'm afraid there will be many trips to the dentist in my future.  I am trying to act like a 'big girl' but really I'm just a big 'scardy cat'.  Wish me luck!

Now, go brush and floss!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Here's the deal . . .

. . .  on why I'm not on the computer lately. 

We've had alot of family gatherings in the last week.  Time consuming, but necessary.

I have a major tooth infection.  It is hard to type with one hand cradling my swollen jaw.  And yes, I was swollen all through the family gatherings.  I really just wanted to wear a sign explaining my tale of woe.  It was embarrassing enough walking around through the stares.  Can't have the tooth fixed until the infection is gone.

And my computer is in the hospital.  Poor thing.  It works so hard and finally just gave up, insisting on a rest.  So I have no pictures available to strut my stuff.  But I do have my ipod touch to keep in touch . . . somewhat.  Those teeny, tiny buttons make commenting almost impossible.

I know you miss me.  LOL!  But I'll be back soon.

Right now, I'm just living the life and struggling through my misfortunes.

ps ~~ I can still READ comments.  And I'll commisserate with your tales of woe if you want to share.