. . . and I'm asking YOU to tell ME what to do!
I've just about had it with making decisions. I don't seem to be able to cope anymore.
What I'm asking you for is not earth-shattering. Not life-altering. But it is something that is confusing the heck out of me and I cannot think of a good solution.
I am unclear, unsure and perplexed and time is ticking away . . .
. . . what the heck should I serve at the gift opening gathering the day after the wedding???
Keep in mind that I will be gone from the house 2 days before we return to open the loot. The motel offers a breakfast, my main man and I will rush home (40 miles away) and I'm telling people not to come until 1:00 so a light supper after the goodies are oohed and aahed over is what I am thinking. If I order something to pick up on the way home, what would I order? Think 'simple, but elegant' like the wedding itself.
Oh, and what can we munch on while getting ready on the wedding day? I don't want anyone skipping out to grab a burger and returning late or fainting from hunger during the ceremony! It has to be simple, non-messy and easy to clean up after.
As much as I like to eat, you would think the food would be the easy part. But nooooo.
Help me please! Or better yet, just come and do it for me. tee!hee!
Maybe this will be a surprise contest! The best (and most 'simple, but elegant') suggestion wins!