Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The same, only more . . .

I'm showing you more white pottery on this White Wednesday.  Why?  1.  Because I have many, many pieces.  2.  Because what is whiter than white pottery.  3.  Because all I am seeing is white outside (along with most of the nation).  4.  Because I couldn't think of anything else white that was easy to get a photo of.  After being snowed in for 3 days, I'm just not feeling very creative.  I think I've had TOO much time for creativity (which I have certainly taken advantage of) and it is just too dreary out to get good pictures.

This little girl is one of my favorites.  She is not McCoy but still valuable to me.  What do you suppose the creator of the mold was thinking about when making something so sad.  This must have been the last thing he/she saw as he/she left for work that morning.  Leaving their daughter when all she wanted to do was play the day away with mommy or daddy. 

Poor baby.  She really is quite unhappy.

The bird is a McCoy and I also have one in green/turquoise.  I've seen this bird in different sizes and still hope to find the smaller one.  Just think of all these pieces that were chipped, stained or broken that our grandmas tossed out in the trash.  Oh, if they ever knew what their throw-aways were worth today!

I won't bore you with every piece of white pottery I own.  I know, you are all breathing a sigh of relief.  I'm going to expand my submissions to White Wednesday and show you my collection of white napkins!  Just kidding!  I do have furniture that I have painted white and if I can scrape the dust off of them, maybe that is what I'll show next.

The groundhog says it will be an early spring.  He darn well better be right!

ps ~~ if you are stopping by for White Wednesday, why not scroll down one post and enter my OWOH giveaway.  So easy (no hoops to jump through) and you just might get lucky!  Just tell me you love my wreath!


  1. Bore us, please. I am in the mood! Seriously, I love these. I would love to find a bird like that. A little pricey, I bet.

    We are in Palo Alto for Jud's radiation treatment. We come home Sunday and I am dreading the weather. We have been here for about a month so the worst of the winter is over right? Please say yes!


  2. Love all things white.
    I let a bird just like yours get away from me at an auction this past fall. Regret it so.
    Love your blog.

  3. Happy white Wednesday, Connie!
    Can you make it to the mail?
    XO Marie

  4. I like your vignettes of white. Thanks for sharing.......TALLULAH"S

  5. I hope he's right! I'm not sure I can take anymore of this cold... freezing cold stuff! I love the little white bird! He's adorable.
    Here's hoping spring comes soon!

  6. Hi, Connie. I hope the weather breaks for you soon! I always enjoy your white pottery. Stay warm.

  7. I'd like to see every last one of them, please! I love pottery, especially McCoy.

  8. Hey can keep the McCoy coming as far as I'm concerned as I love seeing it. I have a bird like that (with a chip)--wonder if it's the same size. I saw two of them on e-bay last week so you might check that out for the smaller one. I'm not sure where you are in NE but we're supposed to be in the 30's tomorrow out here in western NE so it's coming your way. The sun will shine again! Hang in there!

  9. It has been a crazy winter! We only had 7" out of the last storm, not as bad as so many others! I think we're all starting to get a stir crazy...

  10. Did you know there is a McCoy Pottery Society? I'll bet you do; but if not...

    The pieces are lovely and yes, very white! I agree that #@%*& groundhog better be right about Spring!


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