Thursday, May 10, 2012

What I don't know could fill a book . . .

. . . a FACEBOOK.

Dear Connie:

We at Facebook hate to bother you but we feel the need to tell you that you are the only person in the world without a working facebook page. Sure, we know you joined a long time ago but suspect it was only to be able to use the ever famous and time consuming Pinterest.

In order for us to totally rule the world, we beg of you, PLEASE join the trillions of others who are communicating through this media.  Blogging just isn't getting you anywhere (of course, we have to admit that you have to POST in order to win friends and influence people which you seem to have neglected to do) so try your luck at Facebook. Everyone else is doing it and they seem to be doing more facebooking than they are blogging anymore!

So get with the program Connie!  Bring yourself up to speed in the latest technology!  Find new friends!  Forget your fear of being rejected when you make a friend request.  Nevermind that you might be found by that long ago boyfriend that you cringe over every time you think of him or that mean girl from high school or that former employer who is still looking for his stapler (shame on you!).  We promise you will just LOVE facebook and will be inundated with people wanting to know more about you!

Mark Zuckerberg
(and because you had to look it up, I'm the creator of Facebook)

So . . . I finally succumbed to Facebook.

I still went kicking and screaming but you know what?  It is kind of fun.  And I needed something to do to fill those few hours I wasn't on Pinterest or reading other blogs.  lol

Oh, I still don't know what I'm doing and I'm having a heck of a time getting a comment to post or a picture  to upload but I'm slowly learning.

Can anyone tell me the difference between a 'friend' and a 'like'?

Anyway, come check me out and be my friend or like me.  Don't make me regret my decision to be one of Mark's people!

Oh, and btw, I HATE this new blogger format!  Can I use that as an excuse not to have been writing?

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Neglected, abandoned, destroyed . . .

We drive past them all the time.  We have several within a few miles from where we live.

Deserted farmsteads.

Beautiful in their own way.

But sad and depressing in so many other ways.

What has happened to the family owned farm?

Bigger isn't always better.

Don't get me started . . .

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

My nemesis . . .

. . . has arrived with a vengeance!

Well, maybe not with a vengeance in my dandelion-free lawn but only because I am a 
Dandelion Digger Demon!

Yup, one of the stranger things you should know about me is that I love to dig dandelions!
I'm never outside without my antique digger close by to pounce on an unsuspecting dandelion.

I've even thought about starting a dandelion digging business.  At a penny a weed, I would quickly become a millionaire!

There is nothing more satisfying than to hear that *pop* as the root is broken and you know that you have conquered the dreaded weed.  Well, at least one of those usurpers that sneak into your lawn when you are not looking.  And I suspect that they pop right back up behind your back when you are positive you found them all. 

And have the pile of wilted yellow flowers to prove it.

 I can spot a dandelion from a mile away.  Even without their yellow marker of defiance to those of us who despise their actual existence.  I am a dandelion digger extraordinaire!  

Oh, and another strange thing you need to know about me . . . I take photos of dandelions.
Now who is crazy enough to waste her time doing that?

I'm convinced that the only way to rid the world of dandelions is to dig them up one at a time.

So get to it!  

Friday, March 30, 2012

A little boy, in a field, running in flip flops, with his . . .

. . . KITE!


How you would run and run and run and just couldn't get the slight breeze to catch that kite enough to make it soar into the sky?

And then finally . . . success!

Remember the exhilaration you felt when it finally shot into the air and you ran some more to watch it twirl and swirl, with the tail making those flapping noises?

Then the disappointment when the kite suddenly crashed to the ground?  Breaking those flimsy balsam wood sticks.  Bringing the kite flying to an abrupt end.

Oh, but what could be a better way to spend a glorious day than with a tenacious little boy, in a field, running in flip flops and coaxing a kite to fly! 

And succeeding . . . if only for a little while.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Ladies who lunch . . .

. . . are the best kind of ladies to be friends with.

I love ladies who always schedule any kind of meeting, get together or errand just in time for lunch.

*Telephone ringing* . . . 'Hi!  I have to go pick up a widget for the main man.  Want to meet for lunch?'


'I just have a minute to talk.  I'm taking the main man to the emergency room because we were not so calmly discussing how the widget wasn't the right one and somehow he got conked in the head and needs stitches.  Want to meet for lunch?'


'The main man is going to town to get his own gosh-dern widget so I'm free.  Want to meet for lunch?'

I recently hosted a 'ladies lunch'. 

I splurged on flowers but couldn't find my fancy vases.  And discovered that I really don't own alot of 'girly' doo-dads to set a pretty table.

But I had pretty new-to-me vintage dishes I wanted to use.  Truthfully, these dishes were the reason I had the luncheon in the first place.  I needed females who would appreciate the beauty of these old, dainty, gold-edged plates, saucers and berry bowls.  I needed their oohs and ahhs when I told them I got a setting of 8 plus 2 covered vegetable bowls for less than a lunch at the local bar and grill fine eating establishment.  

I'm needy like that.  It's a weakness of mine.

Besides, our usual fare of chili cheese hotdogs don't need fancy schmancy plates and I'm sure enough not going to get any praise for my lucky find from the main man when he thinks that I already have a perfectly good set of dishes so why do I need more.

Anywho, we ladies ate.  We laughed.  We caught up on the news (we did not gossip . . . no, not us!).  We drank wine.  We gave solace to each other and we rejoiced over accomplishments. 

Good friends don't need to see each other often I guess.  We know that we are only a phone call and a lunch away from renewing our ties to each other.

And there is one friend who always brings a sweet little gift.

Good times, good food, good wine and good friends.   What could be better than that.

Here's to ladies who lunch.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Pondering no longer . . .

. . . I've come to a conclusion regarding one of my ponderings from a previous post (here).

I've decided that I'm going to keep on pinning on Pinterest.
And I'm not going to feel like a criminal doing it!

For some reason, the discussions floating around concerning the controversial subject of people stealing (well, maybe not stealing but borrowing heavily) other's ideas by first - not getting permission to pin a photo and second - having the nerve to announce that they are going to make one of whatever it is too, has really sucked me in.  I've read it all.  I've thought long and hard about it.  Frankly, I've come to the conclusion that the issue is a bunch of hooey and I'm done, done, done.

My thoughts (and I know they are usually somewhat skewed in favor of me) are if it is on the web, it is public domain.  Therefore, free to look at and get inspired by and pin for later drooling over if I darn well please.

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You put the photo of whatever there on your blog yourself for all to see.  Forgive me for being blunt, but 'get over it'.

Judging by the responses I received previously, most of you feel the same way.  If you have a different opinion please explain.  My mind can very easily be changed.  

Just ask my family.  They know I can change my mind in a nanosecond.  And then change it back faster than a nanosecond.

I really think the so-called problem stems from the 'repinning' of things.  If a photo is 'repinned', does it not refer you back to the original post, the original owner or the original etsy/shop/website?  I'm not sure because I very seldom repin.  If I see something I like from someone else's boards, I go to the original location and pin from there.  Giving credit where credit is due.  And I don't just pin willy-nilly.  I'm choosy.  So if something of yours is pinned by me, you have offered something that I find simply adorable in some way or another.  Thank you.

I've found many new-to-me wonderful blogs through Pinterest.  I figure we both win.  They get a new follower and I maybe find a new like-minded blog friend.  I'm discovering new, fresh perspectives on decorating, photography, crafting, sewing, cooking or whatever strikes my fancy on any given day.

I've found a couple of my photos that someone has pinned and it is thrilling to know that whatever it was, someone else thought it was 'pin worthy'.  I consider it very flattering.

I foresee bad karma for Pinterest in the future.  Someone will sue.  Someone always does and ruins it for the rest of us.

To summarize, I'm a Pinterest pinner and I'm not ashamed to say it.


I realize my addiction but I'm not ready for Pinterest rehab quite yet.  I'll just bide my time until it goes the way of Picnik, MySpace and the old Google follower links.  Something bigger and better always comes along.  And brings it's own controversy with it.   

Pinteret is way easier than bookmarking every. single. thing.

So pin away my friends.  Come visit my boards.  Pin something that makes you happy.  Or don't.  

It is A-OK with me.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

You CAN teach an old dog new tricks . . .

. . . this old dog (me!) learned how to crochet!

My goal for the winter was to teach myself how to crochet.  I gave up teaching myself (I'm no good at reading directions.  I'm a hands-on kind of learner) and asked a friend to show me how.

Much easier than knitting!

My hands cramped up and my eyeballs bugged out but I made a couple of doilies and a whole bunch of flowers.  

Notice the loose stitches and the curled up edges.  Not ready to enter anything at the fair quite yet.

But it has given me a whole new appreciation for the oodles of old doilies and crocheted tablecloths that I have collected over the years.

How could I have ever walked away from any of them if they were priced over a couple of dollars?  

They are masterpieces of concentration, time and talent! 

I'm going to try to crochet a bunch of these!

Now, go thank your grandmother for giving you all of her old doilies!  
They are truly a labor of love!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

I've been pondering . . .

Pondering is different than thinking.

Thinking gets me in trouble more often than not so I call the conversations that I carry on with myself in my head ponderings.

I haven't been commenting on your blogs much lately.  I don't seem to have anything new to say.

I still absolutely LOVE each and every post you write.  I am still AMAZED at the projects you not only create all by your original selves but the amount of projects you actually complete.  I cheer you on when you post something inspirational, I sympathize with you when something bad happens and I am happy as a lark when you accomplish one of your dreams.

I just haven't been telling you so.  

So I'm telling you now.  Each and every blog I visit is a pleasure to my day!

But I have noticed some trends lately that have me pondering.

Are many of us suffering from blog burnout?

I find that there are many more ads on sidebars and between posts lately.  Do they really generate worthwhile money or are they just space fillers?  And the pop up ones that follow you as you scroll down the page?  Ugh . . . annoying!

I've noticed more professional photos duplicated from other sources.  Pretty, but not what I come to visit you for.  You all are so creative with your own vignettes and room makeovers.  Those are the photos I want to see!

I've heard some talk about too many blog parties out there.  Some bloggers link up their projects to lots and lots of parties.  I will link up to a couple every once in a while.  Parties are loads of fun.  I like parties of any kind.  I've just become overwhelmed when the parties are too big.  I want to visit all of the party goers and I just can't.  Therefore I don't participate.

But that is my problem, not yours.  So you go ahead and party like it's 1999!

And now I see that some bloggers are upset when others pin their photos on Pinterest.  And leave a comment that they want to make one of whatever it is too!  Well of course we do.  Otherwise we wouldn't have pinned it in the first place.  I'm all for giving credit where credit is due but we all put our own little spin on whatever we create so I don't feel that we are copying.  Just getting inspiration.  Isn't that why we all show each other our creations in the first place?  Am I wrong in thinking that is what Pinterest was created for?  Or are we all just copying someone else's hard work and effort and taking away their profits like some bloggers think?  (I've always considered copying the sincerest form of flattery.  Except when my SIL chose the same china pattern as I did!)

If I didn't fall in love with something I've seen, whether it was on the web or in a store or a magazine, I probably wouldn't make a thing!

Oh, and I COPIED these adorable flowers from Chipping With Charm.  Thank you Laurel for understanding my need to find ideas somewhere other than in my own head!

Must I have a Facebook page to promote my blog?  Is liking you on FB more or different than being a follower of your blog?  Is there other content that I am missing on a FB page than there is on a blog?  Am I the ONLY person in the world that DOES NOT DO Facebook?

And this google - linky - follower thing has me all in a tizzy.

Just when I feel comfortable with something, someone goes and changes it!  (Isn't fighting change of any kind the first sign of old age?)

See what I mean about my pondering?  I'm stumped as how to continue blogging.  Do I go with my own flow and post only when I have something that I think is significant enough to post about?  Am I doing my blog an injustice by not posting any little thing every day or even once a week?  Do I try to post just to party?  Do I discontinue pinning?  (Please tell me I don't have to do that!)  Do you want to see every bit of minutia of where I go, what I do, what I try to accomplish and who I see?

Are you tired of waiting on me to post or does it make your heart go pitty-pat when you see my name come up on whatever reader you use?

Pondering makes my head hurt.

All of the above photos were taken by me of some things offered at the last sale at Miss Maggie's House.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

You all deserve a little lovin' . . .

. . . whether you like hearts - or not.  

Whether Valentine's Day is your special holiday - or not.  

Whether your 'special someone(s)' brings you flowers or chocolates or diamonds - or not.

You are loved.
(And appreciated, and admired, and inspirational.) 

By me!

Now, go to the mirror and blow yourself a kiss!