. . . I've come to a conclusion regarding one of my ponderings from a previous post (here).
I've decided that I'm going to keep on pinning on Pinterest. And I'm not going to feel like a criminal doing it!
For some reason, the discussions floating around concerning the controversial subject of people stealing (well, maybe not stealing but borrowing heavily) other's ideas by first - not getting permission to pin a photo and second - having the nerve to announce that they are going to make one of whatever it is too, has really sucked me in. I've read it all. I've thought long and hard about it. Frankly, I've come to the conclusion that the issue is a bunch of hooey and I'm done, done, done.
My thoughts (and I know they are usually somewhat skewed in favor of me) are if it is on the web, it is public domain. Therefore, free to look at and get inspired by and pin for later drooling over if I darn well please.
You put the photo of whatever there on your blog yourself for all to see. Forgive me for being blunt, but 'get over it'.
Judging by the responses I received previously, most of you feel the same way. If you have a different opinion please explain. My mind can very easily be changed.
Just ask my family. They know I can change my mind in a nanosecond. And then change it back faster than a nanosecond.
I really think the so-called problem stems from the 'repinning' of things. If a photo is 'repinned', does it not refer you back to the original post, the original owner or the original etsy/shop/website? I'm not sure because I very seldom repin. If I see something I like from someone else's boards, I go to the original location and pin from there. Giving credit where credit is due. And I don't just pin willy-nilly. I'm choosy. So if something of yours is pinned by me, you have offered something that I find simply adorable in some way or another. Thank you.
I've found many new-to-me wonderful blogs through Pinterest. I figure we both win. They get a new follower and I maybe find a new like-minded blog friend. I'm discovering new, fresh perspectives on decorating, photography, crafting, sewing, cooking or whatever strikes my fancy on any given day.
I've found a couple of my photos that someone has pinned and it is thrilling to know that whatever it was, someone else thought it was 'pin worthy'. I consider it very flattering.
I foresee bad karma for Pinterest in the future. Someone will sue. Someone always does and ruins it for the rest of us.
To summarize, I'm a Pinterest pinner and I'm not ashamed to say it.
I realize my addiction but I'm not ready for Pinterest rehab quite yet. I'll just bide my time until it goes the way of Picnik, MySpace and the old Google follower links. Something bigger and better always comes along. And brings it's own controversy with it.
Pinteret is way easier than bookmarking every. single. thing.
So pin away my friends. Come visit my boards. Pin something that makes you happy. Or don't.
It is A-OK with me.