Thursday, September 23, 2010

Just too, too clever . . .

. . . is what the designers of the Backman Fall Ideas House created.  Oh to have the ideas (and access to just the right stuff) that these people do.

LOVE these ruffled pillows!   I'm thinking that I need to try to make one of these.  Can you buy plaid like this anymore?  Probably recycled shirts or something.

Any little boy would be out-of-this-world thrilled to have this room.  Can you believe REAL car parts!




Car door handles for the dresser!

Kitchen ceiling light.  More graters!

And the best part of traveling to Junk Bonanza?  Meeting and greeting my blogging friend Linda of Itsy Bits and Pieces!  Her cutie patootie daughter and her have a booth there every year with the best stuff imaginable!

Don't look at ME!  Look at HER!  She just oozes sweetness!  Hi ya Linda!

I didn't mean to solicit sympathy about my cold but I sure appreciate the get well wishes.  I feel worse today.  I need you all to rush over here and make me soup, and get me more kleenex and make me a hot toddy.  Lots of hot toddies!

I HAVE to be better by this weekend so I'm off to find my blankie and couch!

Thanks for visiting today . . .


Sue@MyArtsDesire said...

Oh Connie, what a delicious post! I want to make my 6 ft. plus boys be little again and decorate their room like this....HOW ADORABLE! Thank you for showing this in such awesome pics. I love those pillows too...Bachmans always does things first class. I'm thinking a few trips to Goodwill and such could score you the right fabric to duplicate these pillows. What a fun post! Xo, Sue

Shell said...

Okay,,,Shut up! That is a way nice pic of YOU! Pffffffft!

My mother had a philosophy on THAT! When in our 30's we look back at pictures in our teens and twenties and think, "Dang, I looked pretty darn good!" In our 50's we look back at our pictures and think, "What was I so worried about, why didn't I like myself more?" Well, GF or mine,,,we are THERE,,,embrace YOU and again, I'd add, "Dahhhlinnng,,,,,you look Maavelous!"

That aside, I love the creativity and repurposing in the photos! I've been making pillows today with some vintage lace for my Oct. Show...But, I see these creative endeavors and I feel a bit inadequate as well!

But hey,,,I'm giving away Cupcakes in my booth from one of Seattles #1 Bakeries, so, "I've got THAT going for me!"

Thanks for sharing. And again Connie,,,,I love the photo, because it just gives me a chance to get to know YOU a bit more!

Hugs and Love you to pieces!

Joanna said...

Such wonderful and fun ideas here - and great photos for us to drool over!

Poor you still feeling poorly, snuggle up and hopefully you'll start to feel better soon.


Laurel@ChippingwithCharm said...

Ok, those car parts are so cool! Now add my little boys room to my list to "junk up"...the list keeps getting longer...:)
Looks like you had fun at the Bonanza. I loved Linda's booth too...but sadly didn't realize it was hers until I got home and saw her pictures...DUH! I guess I was distracted by all the fun stuff ;)
Feel better soon, Laurel

Caterina Giglio said...

upcycling at its best!

Kateyed said...

Wowsers! That is some of the coolest stuff I have seen in my life! Someone is very, very talented!!!

Connie, you have my sympathy. I hate colds. I am just a real crab when I have one.

The Croatian wedding is tomorrow. We come home Monday. I will get pictures!!!


Susanne said...

Hope you were feeling better this past weekend. You guys look so cute in your SWEATERS, so jealous. It was finally cool enough here in TX to sleep with the windows open last night, ahhh.

Those pillows are totally cute for fall and winter. I agree the cleverest is the car handle drawer pulls. Would love to see the house, wonder if it's still open around TG.

Have not been to Junk Bonanza, have been to Round Top, but it's not just Round Top, it's the Big Red Barn, it's Marburger, it's Warrington and every little town and intersection in between. You can't see it all unless you've got a couple weeks to blow. But if you get a chance to go, do.

I will always have a soft spot for Gold Rush in Oronoco since I used to live just minutes away in Zumbro Falls. It's so doable in a weekend plus I like the fact that it's owned by the town.

My 2 cents, for what it's worth,

Anonymous said...

Oh, such great ideas!! Now, if I could only FIND that stuff to decorat the boys room!! Love the JB posts too- SOOOOOOOOOOOO jealous. I need to do this at my farm some day!

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

Oh Connie...what a sweetheart! It was SO fun meeting you, too! How did I miss this post!? You have pics of things I didn't even see at the ideas house! XO