Thursday, April 15, 2010

Dear She Dreams Big . . .

This is Blogger.  Where are you and why haven't you been posting?  You spent all that time setting me up, looking so pretty (although you do need a couple of tweeks in the pretty department).  You started out doing well but now -- I have to be honest -- you are dropping the ball!  No new pictures . . . nothing to report on the creative front . . . you haven't been anywhere interesting to write about.  Girl, get your act together!  If we are going to do this together, then you have to hold up your end.  I'm here for you.  I'm waiting patiently (well, maybe not so patiently) but I'm here to tell you --  POST SOMETHING - ANYTHING!  I want to see a picture!  I want an excuse, even a lame one!  At least have a giveaway - that's easy, isn't it?

OK, I'm sorry I yelled at you.  But it seems you need some encouragement.  You said you wanted to blog.  You said you LOVED it.  You said you want to be just like all those other blogs that you are constantly visiting and am inspired by.  I know that you think about what to blog about all the time.  You even write the posts in your head.  So, sweetie, just manage your time a little and get to your computer more often.  That's all.  That will be easy.

I'll expect to hear from you soon.

Love,  Blogger 


Karen Valentine said...

Connie you crack me up!!! That is a great post!!
I feel like Blogger wants to send me that message sometimes too. Especially since I started working on the computer all day and sometimes it's hard to get the energy to make a fun post. Well you did a great job!

My Desert Cottage
Valentine Design

Gwen in Michigan said...

Thanks for giving me a good laugh, Connie! I have not been a very good 'blogger" for about two months. It is so much fun to write about life, but sometimes living it doesn't leave enough time to do that! lolol I love reading your blogs when I am in the neighborhood. Thanks for all the time you put into it.

Lynn said...

You are a riot! This is the funniest post ever!! I too write posts in my head and take pictures that never get anywhere but my computer. ~sigh~