. . . from Junk Bonanza and other smaller venues.
Okay blogger, I love ya and all, but when you try to improve things, sometimes you just mess things up! Anyone know how to rotate uploaded images? And yes, the image was taken vertically but was saved vertically also! Go figure! Well, you all need a little neck exercise to get the kinks out so just look crooked, 'kay?
Got me some way cool ironstone. Thinkin I need more so a new collection has begun! Yup, I REALLY need a new collection! Am going to use the old hinges for photo propping and if I get enough, for placecard holders some day.
Well! This I just HAD to HAVE! A paperweight so my dreams don't just blow away.
Hit the mother load on bling! The most I paid for a piece was (now don't hate me) $4.00!
Neck exercise alert!
All of the birdie cards sing out the song 'Blue Skies'. Might be kinda cute to change things up with different holiday songs. Yeah, I'll get that done!
A small buffet that is in really good shape. Think I'll live with it over the winter and see if I'd like it better painted.
A teacher's register from 1891. Fifty cents, girls, fifty cents!
Such beautiful handwriting! No one even writes by hand anymore, let alone write beautifully! A lost art for sure.
Neck exercise alert again! Yeah, don't know how this one got turned this way in the upload process but blogger better darn well work out the bugs on this update!
I'm guessing this will be the last of the goodies for a long while. Shows are over for the season and I tend to stay away from Christmas events. I have WAY TOO MUCH Christmas and I'm even giving my kids alot of my precious treasures. Has anyone else noticed that the older you get, the simpler you want your surroundings? Besides, harvest will officially start TOMORROW on the old farmsted and there will be NO galavanting about!
Now, go do something that makes you happy . . .